If I feel like it, can I really read the whole of Burnt Norton as an intro to my stress management group? And follow it with the 5 stages of healing: rolling around on the floor like an embryo, creeping like a snake, crawling, squatting and reaching, standing and walking. Followed by a traditional walking meditation.
It makes sense to me. The idea of being in the present moment, being one's past and one's future, emptying out and recasting.
Problems: the complexity of the poem (some people might be put off), the difficulty of the movements (creeping and crawling can be rough on the body). I will have to preface it all with some gently-gently instructions. What associations does this bring to you, without thinking too much? Imagine following the movements if it is uncomfortable for you to physically do them.
More problems: tomorrow morning I have to teach a gentle yoga class, and still not sure how much movement my knee will allow me. Hmm - I can practice the sequence of poses in Jon Kabat-Zinn's book. After all, the following week I need to teach them to the stress management group...
si tu es ce que tu es*
9 years ago
Do you know Wallace Stevens' poetry? He is very visual.