I've been wondering why you were still on my mind, after I forgave you for everything last year, and I realized there was something I hadn't forgiven you for yet. You asked me to lie to you about a certain thing, then you asked me about that thing and broke off our friendship because I lied. On another occasion, you told me, you stole some woman's bike because she was shouting at you, and then you felt indignant that she wanted you to return it instead of coming to pick it up herself in her car. (It was actually somebody else's bike that she was keeping in the first place, but while that has parallels too in this story we will leave it aside for the moment). Anyway, I realized it's kind-of the same thing. I said something that upset you (like the woman with the bike, shouting at you) so you stole my truth (like you stole her bike) by asking me to lie about it, and then when you asked me that question you expected me to reclaim my truth instead of handing it back to me. You could have said, I know I asked you to lie about this, and that was confusing, but now I want to know what really happened. It's your truth anyway, I had no business taking it away from you in the first place, and now I'm just asking and you can give it freely or choose not to give it to me. Instead you rode around on my truth. I don't even know where you went with it, so I couldn't come and get it if I had wanted to. Can someone ride on somebody else's truth? Maybe that's what torturers do. They forcibly take somebody's truth, leaving that person in pain. I forgive you for torturing me.
I hope that by writing this down it will finally go away. The magical power of words.
si tu es ce que tu es*
9 years ago
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