I feel extremely fortunate to be living here. There was not a cloud in the sky this morning when I walked my dog. My friend in the city was available for a last minute coffee together, at a cafe serving fine oatmeal with fresh fruit, sugar and cream. Another friend joined me for acro-yoga in the park and I tried some new poses as a base, while watching stunt planes flying in the distance. I did some not bad handstands, the first time I've had the courage to do those in about 7 years. On my way back home, the view of the bay from the Bart train was so amazing that I wish I had time to take out my camera. The day ended with Friday night waltz (which is actually on Saturday) and a new friend came over for tea afterwards. I even read, or at least turned the pages, through about half of Elaine Scarry's book, The Body in Pain, which I'm reading for my dissertation. More on that when I finish.
Project sleep is not going so well...
si tu es ce que tu es*
9 years ago
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